In the first 2 installments we setup eclipse, glassfish, maven, primefaces, JPA2 and arquillian for web application development. Now it's time to put it to practical use.
First, we need an application to exercise the JEE6 stack. We'll build a cabin finder which is a project I needed to build for a retreat I am planning. I want to evaluate cabins where we can stay. Several factors determine whether it's a place we may like -- location, amenities and cost. So what I am picturing is a search page with a left panel of search criteria and a content panel that will show matching results on google maps. We'll need a way to get cabins entered/loaded into the system. For that we'll use Yahoo local search to populate some basic data and then manual entry to add amenities, cost and the like. Here's an mock up I made using Gliffy ( And here is a basic class diagram (
I also picture menu navigation using primefaces dock component to get to maintenance pages to load data and maintain data. So we'll need at least 4 pages to get started (search, load, list, edit).
One other thing I'd like to do. I'd like to share the code between my home computer, work computer and this posting. I'll try github for that. git:// Install the eGit plugin into eclipse from by adding it as an update site (help/install new software/Add). Once installed use the eclipse import menu to import "projects from git". Clone the repository (this makes a copy of the repository to your local machine).
egit documentation:
Search for "Working with Remote Repositories" to learn about cloning - step 1.
Then go up to "Starting from existing Git Repositories" to setup the eclipse project.
Next time we'll take the entity model and create our JPA entities and associated tests.
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