Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Future Projects?

At last posting I had been working thru a Cabin Finder application that used GitHub, JEE6 (JPA2, CDI and Weld), JSF2 and Primefaces.  I run the application in Glassfish and had attempted to host it on Google AppEngine (varying degrees of success).  I used Arquillian container based testing and Apache Derby for the database (BigTable for GAE).

The application loads data (geo information and reviews) from Yahoo Local Search based on keywords and zipcode, and plots them on google maps with info bubbles to show more details.  Since I was primarily concerned with cabins in Hocking Hills Ohio, I loaded up ~150 cabins and lodges and then pulled amenities from a static html site.

I used the application to find a cabin for our Men's retreat this year and it worked out well.  Our target cabin was booked so I was able to find another in the same area with the desired amenities.  We booked the cabin and it was better than our original target cabin.  So that was good.

Now I need to forge ahead and work thru some other technologies and want to build on the cabin finder.  Here are a few ideas for future enhancements:

  1. Hook up gitHub, Arquillian and Hudson for CI which is sadly lacking from the app.
  2. Use JBoss7 (CDI 1.1 update).
  3. Use a no-sql database (either CouchDB or MongoDB).
  4. Create a different UI using Wicket, GWT or .NET
  5. Cloud based ??  EE7 spec updates for multi-tenancy and jax-rs.
  6. Use JBoss Seam 3 and Seam Forge and re-create the app.
  7. Mobile app (either Android or IPad iOS)
That's a lot of projects to investigate, I need some help narrowing down the list.  What do you find most interesting?  Using GitHub maybe we can learn together?

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  1. If you are going for the cloud and GAE keeps giving you hard time, you could give cloudfoundry a try. I signed up, but haven't tried it yet. You could be our guinea pig in VMWare's cloud...

  2. What about deltaCloud:
