Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Troubled Dog?

I have this song running thru my head..... there's a line in it "Worry, worry, worry".  It's used on a Travlerers Insurance company commercial where a dog hides his bone in the backyard.  Then frets over it, digs it up and takes it to the bank.  Then the dog worries about it even more.  He goes to the bank and takes out the bone and keeps it in his sight at all times.  Man that dog is troubled!  The song is "Trouble" by Ray LaMontagne. You tube video here.

So my bone these days is software development and why are things so hard.  Recently I've spent a day or two getting a many to many hibernate/jpa mapping to update correctly.  I began to think I had more than just a simple problem, but many to many problems.  That's where Ray LaMontagne comes in. I have a few ideas of things to discuss in upcoming posts such as:

  • My Many To Many Problems
    • Is ORM the vietnam of software development? 
  • Think Objectively - rich entities lead to ORM
    • where O = Object which is data and behavior.
    • not anemic.
  • EE Server versus Tomcat/Jetty/etc.
    • Is lightweight lightweight when you have to wire everything together in app config?
    • How will this work with ESB?  Every app has it's own def?
    • What about change?  Does every app change?
  • Ding Dong the DAO is dead
  • STS 2.7 Review
    • Vendor lock in?
  • ORM Testing
    • How to verify persistence is mapped correctly
    • Spring Testing versus Arquillian
  • There's Chocolate in my Peanut Butter
    • Are DBAs development or operational?
    • The impact DBAs have on ORM mappings
  • A dog needs a bone.  Don't worry be happy.

I'll try and get one of these topics out each week for the next 7 weeks.  In the meantime, I'll spend less time worrying and more time listening to Ray.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to your post, I am listing to Ray right now! I really feel more like listening to Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy :)
