Thursday, May 12, 2011

Seam Forge -- Scaffolding and Metawidget

I spent a couple of hours going thru Keon Aers excellent posting about Seam Forge (  Seam Forge is similar to Spring ROO in that it has a console in eclipse that helps you create mavenized projects that use JPA2 and allows scaffolding of different view technologies.  Forge uses MetaWidget ( which has out of the box scaffolding for JSF, GWT and Swing among others.

It took me a few extra minutes to sort out 64-bit windows problems with JBoss Tools.  I needed to download Indigo 32-bit to get JBoss Tools to install at all.  I have not figured out how to force eclipse to run in 32-bit jvn just yet (the -vm setting in eclipse.ini causes jdk 32-bit to crash), so for now I can't use the JBoss visual editor.

It would be nice to have/build a Wicket metawidget.  I am also interested to experiment with reverse engineering a project from an existing database and/or adding forge scaffolding to existing jpa2 entities (for example change my cabin finder as an android application).

1 comment:

  1. Hi There!

    Thanks for trying out forge :) I wish we had a Wicket scaffold, too, I think we'd all like to see that actually. It would just be a matter of implementing a new ScaffoldProvider class :)

